Creating A Responsive Navbar With Tailwind
A good navbar is something every website needs and I've been using Bulma for
the past few years which has provided me with an 'out the box' navbar every
time I've used it. This lack of control ends today! Join me as we learn how to
build a responsive navbar using Tailwind.
What We'll Be Building
Full Size
I'm yet to figure out how to do a collapsable navbar with Tailwind that pops
open on click without using JavaScript but I'll post that as an extension to
this post once I've got that working. So be sure to check back if you're
interested in learning how to do that once I've managed to work that out
myself. To drastically change the look of the navbar on different viewport
sizes we can use the different breakpoint prefixes.
For this reason, it's often a good idea to implement the mobile layout for
a design first, then layer on any changes that make sense for sm
screens, followed by md
screens, etc.
The navbar is the parent element that will contain all the contents of the
navbar. The navbar has to be responsive, which Tailwind makes easy to do by
using Flexbox. We want the navbar sections to stack in a column when not on
anything smaller than a tablet.
Navbar Section
The navbar is split into a left and right section when not viewed on mobile.
So we stack them like a column on mobile and then display them in a row
again when on anything larger than a mobile screen using
Tailwinds breakpoint prefixes.
Navbar Item
Navbar Avatar
Make sure you wrap your NextImage component with a div with a relative
class. If you forget you'll notice that it won't style appropriately.
I'm sure theres a better way to vertically center the image so if you know
how then let me know in the comments. This is a learning process after all
so if I find a way I'll add an edit to the blog so
be sure to check back just in case!
Wrap Up
If you found this helpful share it with your friends! What do you think of
Tailwind? Do you find it great or does the style of writing classes
frustrate you? Let me know in the comments section below what you think!
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